Monday, December 11, 2006

Gore Won't Rule Out Presidential Run

In the same week that he appeared on the Tonight Show, the Today Show, and the Oprah Winfrey Show, Al Gore stated that he hasn't completely ruled out another presidential campaign.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Bush Owes Troops An Apology--Not Kerry

I intended this blog to be only about Al Gore stuff. However, I can't resist linking to this Keith Olbermann editorial comment about the flap over John Kerry's recent "stuck in Iraq" comments. This is a powerful editorial that cuts to the heart of our "Bush problem."
Bush Owes Troops An Apology

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Ted Turner Urges Gore to Run

Recently speaking before a group of journalists and policy leaders in New York, media mogul Ted Turner expressed his wish that Al Gore seek the presidency in 2008. He stated that he hoped that Gore can be persuaded to run because "we can't afford to waste another eight years."

Sunday, September 17, 2006

A Signal from Gore?

Political observers at the Washington Post believe that Al Gore may be subtly signaling that he is considering a presidential run in 2008. They contend that the timing of the release of his newest book next May is no coincidence. The book's topic is the absence of solid reasoning that we see in the arena of America's top-level political decision-making.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Folk Songs of the Far Right

There's no connection to Al Gore, but this is a hilarious send-up of the Republican Neo-Cons. Enjoy!
Folk Songs of the Far Right

Friday, September 08, 2006

Latest CNN Poll

A CNN poll published September 7 shows that Al Gore is running a strong second to Hillary in presidential nominee preference among poll participants identifying themselves as Democrats. Hillary is the choice of 36% while Gore pulls 20%. Nobody else got more than 11%. Bear in mind that everyone knows that Hillary is going to run, but Gore managed to get 20% while repeatedly stating that he has no current plans to throw his hat in the ring. What if he announced that he's changed his mind? Perhaps more importantly, 41% of these Democrats answered that they would only vote for a candidate who had opposed the Iraq war at its inception in 2003. How is Hillary going to win a national election without being able to count on that 40% of Democratic voters?

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

And Now for a Change of Pace

Here's a link to a children's story read online by Al Gore. Look for the selection called "Brave Irene." It's part of a children's literacy project that mostly recruits actors to narrate stories. Dubya need not apply. The books are probably beyond his reading comprehension level.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Republican Dirty Tricksters and the Internet

ABC News reports that Republican PR tricksters tried to pass themselves off as "just folks" with a video spoof of Al Gore posted on the popular video uploading site The video, which has Al Gore boring a group of penguins to death with a speech about global warming, has a homemade, amateurish appearance. It was supposed to look that way. The Rovian-style tricksters wanted us to believe that it was created by a 29-year-old amateur filmmaker who was trying his hand at satire. Problem is that ABC News investigated the film's origin and discovered that said 29-year-old doesn't exist. Instead , it was created by a Republican PR firm whose clients include Exxon. Here's a link to the story. What's next? Are these people going to be deluging the comments sections of our progressive blogs with phony posts from "just folks" who are opposed to Al Gore?

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Why Gore?

I've started this blog as an effort to convince the South Texas community of progressives that our best choice for presidential candidate in 2008 is obvious once you stop and think about it.
Al Gore
is the only potential candidate with
the proven ability to win a national
election: He won the popular vote
in 2000. Then the Supreme Court
hijacked the election.
Al Gore
took the right stand on Iraq when some
of the other candidates or potential standard
bearers acquiesced to the invasion in order to
make themselves look "bullish" on defense.
Before the invasion, Gore "outlined a sweeping
Al Gore
was the first candidate to emphasize the looming environmental
threat of global warming. Nobody has more crediblility on this
Al Gore
has name recognition among potential
voters that is as good or better
Al Gore has not announced any intention to run. However, he has pointedly refused to rule out the possibility of running. What that leaves is a movement to draft Gore for 2008. The Internet will probably play a huge role in this effort through blogs and fund-raising efforts. If you're convinced, what can you do? The Draft Gore 2008 site has some suggestions. In addition, talk it up among your family and friends. If you publish a blog, post about the draft movement. Put a bumper sticker on your vehicle. Do whatever you can to start people thinking. I will update this blog on a regular basis to keep readers current on the draft movement.